




Dear Xiao Ping,

How are things with you? I watched the film “2012” on DVD yesterday and found it a wonderful film. I strongly recommend it to you.

The film is about an ancient prophesy which forecasts the end of the world in the year 2012.

Several ancient civilizations, such as Jewish and Mayan, have foretold the disaster and therefore

made the story look rather believable. But the film is less an adaptation of the prophesy than a

story of escape from the disaster. The film explores the complicated behaviors of people

confronted with death and asks a soul-searching question about human nature: Is there altruism or

complete selflessness when people face the final moment of one’s life? I find the film one of the

best movies produced by Hollywood in recent years.

I wish you would not work too hard in your study and would find time to relax and enjoy

films from time to time.

Sincerely yours

Li Ming


1.wonderful a.精彩的

2.forecast/foretold v.预言

3.believable a.可信的

4.less Athan B 不是 A 而是 B

5.adaptation n.改编

6.explore v.探究

7.soul-searching a.令人深思的


第一段:首先用 How are things with you? 寒暄,接着写明写信的目的:看了一部很好的电


第二段:本段从剧情(1-2 句)和电影的深刻意义即对人性的拷问(3-4 句,其中第 3 句为




Dear Xiao Ping,

I’m writing to recommend you a wonderful film “2012”. I watched this film yesterday and

found it one of the best movies produced by Hollywood in recent years.

This film is recommendable first because of its interesting plots. It is about an ancient

prophesy which forecasts the end of the world in the year 2012. Several ancient civilizations, such

as Jewish and Mayan, have foretold the disaster and therefore made the story look rather

believable. This film is appealing also because it explores the complicated behaviors of people

confronted with death and asks a soul-searching question about human nature: Is there complete

selflessness when people face the final moment of one’s life?

I am sure you will love this film. Hope to discuss it with you later.

Sincerely yours

Li Ming






2012 年毁灭。一些古代文明,比如犹太和玛雅都预言了这场灾难,因此使这个故事显得非






Volunteers for International Conference

The Postgraduates’ Association is inviting applications from students who are willing to be

volunteers for an international conference on globalization. A group of ten volunteers will be

recruited to provide secretarial support for the conference organization. They are required to

work an average of 8 hours per week from 10 June to 10 October 2010. Candidates should be

second-year graduate students of this university and should speak fairly good English, preferably

with TEM 4 certificate. Applications, containing CVs of the applicants, should be sent to

Postgraduates’Association, 15 University Avenue, before 1 May 2010.



1.invite v.征求,邀请

2.recruite v.招聘

3.provide secretarial support 提供秘书工作服务

4.be required to do 被要求做……

5.an average of 平均


整篇启事显得比较正式,第 1 句开门见山提出研究生会正在招聘国际会议志愿者;第 2-3 句

具体介绍招聘职位相关事宜包括招聘人数、应聘者所需从事的基本工作性质和时间;第 4

句规定应聘者的条件;第 5 句介绍如何应聘。


Recruitment Announcement

The Postgraduates’ Association is inviting applications from students who are willing to

provide secretarial support for an international conference on globalization. Ten volunteers will be

recruited and they are required to work an average of 8 hours per week from 10 June to 10

October 2010. Candidates should be second-year graduate students of this university and should

be able to speak fairly good English, preferably with TEM 4 certificate.

Whoever is interested should send his application to Postgraduates’ Association, 15

University Avenue, before 1 May 2010.





招募 10 名志愿者,他们将在 2010 年 6 月 10 日至 2010 年 10 月 10 日期间平均每周工作 8


书。感兴趣的人可以将申请于 2010 年 5 月 1 日前送到大学路 15 号研究生会。



Dear editor,

The ban on the free use of plastic bags has come into effect since last year, but I am afraid

the situation in this city does not give us any reason for celebration. We still face a lot of white

pollution around the streets, in the trees, and on the lakes. People do not seem to care whether

their actions have damaged the environment.

Urgent actions should be taken to deal with this problem. I suggest that publicity

pamphlets be printed and delivered to homes in the city to raise people’s awareness of the

environmental crisis. Laws should be made to impose heavier punishment on supermarkets,

department stores or any businesses that are still offering free plastic bags to customers. We can

also encourage people to use re-usable bags, such as cloth or paper bags, and subsidise the

manufacturers of these bags. If these actions are put into place, I believe we shall see enormous

changes a year from now.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


1.the ban on 对……的禁令

2. come into effect 生效

3. does not give us any reason for celebration 没有理由庆祝

4. urgent actions 立即行动

5. publicity pamphlets 宣传册

6. raise people’s awareness of 提高人的……意识

7. impose heavier punishment on 对……实施更重的处罚

8. be put into place 实施


第一段:第 1-2 句介绍限塑令不成功的客观情形:第 1 句总述情形不容乐观;第 2 句举例说

明白色污染的表现。第 3 句指出限塑令不成功的主观情形:人们似乎不在乎其行为对环境造


第二段:第 1 句总述,提出应该采取措施。第 2-4 句提出减少塑料袋使用的具体措施:第 2

句提出应该印刷、分发传单提高人们对环境危机的意识;第 3 句提出应该严肃惩罚免费提供

塑料袋的商家;第 4 句提出应该鼓励人们使用可重复使用的袋子,并补助生产可重复使用的袋子的厂家。第 5 句指出建议实施的效果。


Dear editor,

I’m writing to express my deep concern about the ineffectiveness of the ban on the free use of

plastic bags. Although the ban has come into effect since last year, serious white pollution still

exists around the streets, in the trees, and on the lakes. What’s more worrisome, people do not

seem to care whether using plastic bags has damaged the environment.

To deal with this problem, more actions should be taken. Publicity pamphlets should be

printed and delivered to raise people’s awareness of this environment crisis. Laws should be made

to impose heavier punishment on supermarkets, department stores or any businesses that are still

offering free plastic bags to customers. People should be encouraged to use re-usable bags, such as

cloth or paper bags, and the manufacturers of these bags should be subsidized. If these actions are

put into place, a desirable change can be gradually achieved.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming













