












Hubei Institute of Fine Arts

The photography major adheres to the academic spirit of “striving for perfection” and the teaching concept of “multiple interaction”, explores the new mode of “professional basic teaching+studio subject teaching” of photography practice teaching, makes full use of the resource advantages of art colleges, breaks through the professional barriers between disciplines, and studies image creativity, concept expression, media language, performance techniques, etc. as key and difficult points, Encourage students to explore image thinking methods and performance methods, so as to make teaching more practical. Aim to cultivate applied high-end talents with innovative image design ability and image art creation ability.

On the basis of inheriting the basic theories and skills of traditional photography, digital photography, and modern design concepts, it emphasizes the study and practice of image design language, image thinking methods, and creation methods using photography as a medium. Through the revision of the personnel training program and teaching syllabus in 2013 and 2017, it has gradually formed the concept of image art and image design and application with “multiple images” as the main content. Under the concept of excellence and multiple interaction, the photography specialty has been further promoted through the construction of the curriculum plate, the pilot project of comprehensive reform of the specialty and the curriculum reform of virtual images, classical images and photographic lithography, The multi-directional, interactive and integrated “multi image” discipline development pattern is taking shape.

张朴 Zhang Pu




《City Portrait-3》

Using classical photography language and the visual principle of deconstruction and reconstruction, the work attempts to build an image composed of time, space and symbols, and to find the urban portrait produced by the time’s giving to people and things between the subjective and objective. Try to integrate classical photography technology with contemporary consciousness and symbols, and explore new thinking and new methods of contemporary classical image creation.

袁瑞琦 Yuan Ruiqi



《New Year》

In 2020, the sudden outbreak of New Coronary Pneumonia swept the globe, taking away tens of thousands of lives and having a significant impact on human life. The outbreak of the epidemic coincided with the Lunar New Year, which was supposed to be a day of family reunion, but the spread of the virus separated relatives. After experiencing the collision between the epidemic situation and the New Year, there was a reflection on the continuity of life, environmental change and traditional customs. The work New Year combines the epidemic situation with the elements of the New Year, not only to reflect the contradiction between human destiny and traditional ideas, but also to reflect deeply on the epidemic situation and alert mankind. Even though the flame of the Spring Festival has lasted for thousands of years, no one knows whether it will be extinguished at some time. It is a must for human beings to have a clear understanding of real life.


朱宜 Zhu Yi


在我们塑造梦的同时,梦是否也会塑造我们的思想?古典摄影工艺手制书的创作来源于梦境和生活感受,一直做同一种梦是让我最困扰的问题,在梦中不断被追逐,不能停歇。渐渐我发现,不仅在梦中逃离,现实生活中也在逃离。弗洛伊德曾创造“掩蔽性记忆” 这一术语,意指记忆的倾向性歪曲,能够压抑或替代某些令人困扰的经验,如同显梦与隐梦的关系。我们所有围绕个人的、被压抑着的内容都驻留在重要的经验宝库即潜意识中。


Handmade book《Dream Diary》

As we shape our dreams, will dreams shape our thoughts? The creation of handmade books of classical photography technology comes from dreams and life feelings. Having the same dream all the time is the most troublesome problem for me. I can’t stop being chased in my dream. Gradually, I found that not only in the dream, but also in real life. Freud once created the term “masked memory”, which means that the biased distortion of memory can suppress or replace some disturbing experiences, just like the relationship between explicit dreams and implicit dreams. All our personal, repressed content resides in the important treasure house of experience, namely the subconscious.

Paradoxically, memory seems to be trying to record and hide itself at the same time. Inspired by the scenes in dreams, this creation explores the relationship between dreams, subconsciousness and reality through photography, and tries to reconcile with another dimension.

刘少杰 Liu Shaojie




Laws, regulations and hidden rules are the positive and negative sides of social rules. Social rules affect everyone in the society. Some people are protected by rules and choose to abide by them. Some people are oppressed and bound by hidden rules and are eager to break away from and break the rules. Traffic signs are a visual representation of social rules. If the human body in the traffic signs has self-consciousness and examines the rule world, will they choose to abide by or break away from it? Drawing on the movements in sculpture and dance, the work uses traffic signs and human bodies to interpret the attitudes of different people towards rules in society and the social phenomena caused by hidden rules.




Communication University of Zhejiang

The photography major of the School of Design and Art of Communication University of Zhejiang is a national first-class undergraduate professional construction point, a new provincial characteristic major during the “12th Five Year Plan” period, a provincial characteristic major during the “13th Five Year Plan” period, and a provincial first-class major construction point. It has won five-star evaluation for seven consecutive years in the Evaluation Report of Chinese Universities and Disciplines issued by the China Science Evaluation and Research Center, and ranks among the top of similar majors in China. It has three national first-class courses: “History of World Photography”, “Reporting Photography and Photo Editing” and “Art of Mobile Phone Photography”. Through holding “Xu Xiaobing Cup” Chinese College Students Photography Biennale ” ” Zhejiang University Students Photography Competition” “Lishui Photography Festival International College Photography Joint Exhibition and Photography Education Forum”, the industry reputation and social visibility are formed.

This major has a group of expert teachers, such as members of the Fine Arts Teaching Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education and winners of the World Press Photo Competition. It is divided into three flexible major directions: news documentary photography, commercial photography and financial media i mage. Students have won many awards in national and international exhibitions such as the National Photography Art Exhibition and the Three Shadows Art Exhibition.

李锦 Li Jin

李锦(b1988)艺术家,讲师,现任教于浙江传媒学院摄影系。毕业于中央美术学院、英国皇家艺术学院,作品获得哈里班奖(Hariban Award)佳作奖,PH Museum年度作品,全国青年摄影大展优秀作品等奖项,入选2020年浙江省造型人才新峰计划;入围Athens Photo Festival、Gomma Award等,作品发表于《中国摄影家》、《光影新峰》、《IS magazine》、《Exit Strategies》等杂志书籍上。



《 Writing In the Dark 》

Writing in the Dark is a personal response to and reflection on “quick work”. The combination of network consumption and algorithm technology is more and more closely, through the algorithm using keyword search can get the relevant commodity links or information in the shortest time. Similarly, the design of commodities is also subtly in pursuit of convenience and quick effect, so that people can get certain results very easily. The reality of “quick fix” is both convenient and cheap. The work is divided into two parts: static image and behavior video. The static image captures the commodities used in life that can help people “make a quick profit”, trying to remove the space and commodity attributes in the picture through the characteristics of photography itself. Behavior video is to use the surveillance camera lens to remove the visual interference in the completely black state, and to write down the full search name of these products on the website, trying to present the original slow self-identification process, and realize the time dialogue between “extremely fast” and “extremely slow”.

徐梓齐 Xu Ziqi



《A-23-1 》

On Tomb Sweeping Day in 2022, I returned to my hometown to worship ancestors, but the epidemic swept over. As I returned from other places, I was sent to the shelter for seven days of centralized isolation according to regulations. My code in the shelter is “A-23-1”. I wonder how many A-23-1 have wandered in this space before. I seem to be able to feel their struggle like a trapped animal from the various hints given to me by this space. From being helpless at the beginning to being familiar with the road at the end, the anger trapped here at the beginning was resolved by a regular daily routine, and everything gradually became a rule. In this room, there is no natural sunlight that can really soak the body. But when I finally stepped out of the room and hit the long lost sun after seven days of isolation, I found that the world was too hot. This work is composed of 20 digital still pictures, showing my observation of all visible appearances and changes in my mood in the room with an unobstructed view from entering the shelter to leaving, and also fighting against time with the help of photography.

邓朗炫 赵智泉 詹所以

Deng Langxuan Zhao Zhiquan Zhan SuoYi


城市热岛效应是指城市因大量的人工发热、建筑物和道路等高蓄热体及绿地减少等因素,造成城市“高温化”。城市密集高大的建筑物阻碍气流通行,使城市风速减小。由于城市热岛效应,城市与郊区形成了一个昼夜相同的热力环流。本装置是一个风能感知装置,根据风量的大小输出不同的声音,再将装置输出得到的声音导入touch designer里实现声音可视化及“风能可视化”。该装置最初是想用来测试由于城镇化的建筑设施导致的风速变化,后发现这种单一的测试数据过于的直白单一,于是想用机械化、数字化的表现形式来进行诗意化的表达。电视上显示的是当下的风,但是风却被困在了热烈的“孤岛”之中,形成了一道看不见的屏障。本作品希望用这样一种方式来展示热岛效应造成的影响,同时也想警醒处在热岛之中的城市如何对待城市的规划问题。将不同强度下的风能进行记录,实时转化为相对应的声音波形图,再由随机生成的图像来进行虚拟化的表达。使不可见的自然存在的风用科技化的手段再现,并将展现出的画面重新置入到它所存在的环境之中,用一种诗意化的表达,展现出人类活动与自然的一种对立关系或是相平衡的存在关系。

《Wind Boundary》

Urban heat island effect refers to the urban “high temperature” caused by a large number of artificial heating, buildings, roads and other high heat storage and green space reduction. The dense and tall buildings in the city block the airflow and reduce the urban wind speed. Due to the urban heat island effect, the city and the suburbs form a thermal circulation that is the same day and night. This device is a wind energy sensing device, which outputs different sounds according to the wind volume, and then imports the sound output from the device into the touch designer to realize sound visualization and “wind energy visualization”. The device was originally intended to test the change of wind speed caused by urbanization building facilities. Later, it was found that this single test data was too straightforward and single, so it was intended to use mechanized and digital forms of expression for poetic expression. The TV shows the current wind, but the wind is trapped in a warm “island”, forming an invisible barrier. This work hopes to show the impact of the heat island effect in such a way, and also want to alert the cities in the heat island to how to deal with urban planning. The wind energy under different intensities is recorded and converted into corresponding sound waveform in real time, and then the randomly generated images are used for virtual expression. Make the invisible wind of natural existence reappear with scientific and technological means, and put the displayed picture back into its existing environment. With a poetic expression, it shows an opposite or balanced relationship between human activities and nature.

李翰原 Li Hanyuan






《How to Submerge a Tree》

How to Drown a Tree is an exploration of family emotional memory.

“Emotional memory” was proposed by the French psychologist Robot in his Study of Emotional Memory in 1894. Emotion is an indispensable emotional element in human life, which dominates our cognition and memory of things. And memory is also the most important part of our lives.

With the rapid development of The Times, the minds of the young generation are gradually liberated. As independent individuals, we increasingly want to get rid of the original “family dilemma”. Our parents always place high expectations on us and vent their emotions, which I call “emotional barriers”. The original intention of this work is only the catharsis of personal emotions and the reflection of personal existence. As the project goes deeper, emotional memories of individuals, parents, families and families emerge again. Through conceptual photography, I deconstruct emotions and transform them into concrete objects to present them, which is different from the traditional way of family images and abstract expression of family ties.

In the process of deconstructing and reorganizing emotions again and again, I gradually recovered emotional memories belonging to family ties, thus thinking that we do not need to escape from such “emotional barriers”, the key is how we capture family memories from them, so as to obtain the emotional power we need.

文敏怡 Wen Minyi

《 野猪影像调查报告 》




《Investigation Report On Wild Boar Image》

The implementation of the policies such as closing the mountains to cultivate forests and returning farmland to forests makes the wild boar rest and reproduce rapidly. The name of “three have” animal protection gives the wild boar a “gold medal of avoiding death”. But the wild boar is not satisfied with the present situation, the wild boar in groups, early in the morning or evening are valiant to walk between the country road, always down the hill and the villagers to a diversion.

But the villagers are not going to sit still and fight hard over the ripening crops in the fields and the wild boars in the mountains. A straw man, build a shed to watch, knock the washbasin, fireworks, so that the whole body solution and wild boar battle of wits and courage, do not believe that human wisdom is not as good as “pig brain”?

Wild boar and villagers, you have me, I have you, this is a war without smoke of gunpowder is now staged.



澳大利亚参展院校: 昆士兰艺术学院

日本参展院校: 大阪艺术大学、东京造形大学、日本九州产业大学




马来西亚参展院校: 拉曼大学学院

泰国参展院校: 兰实大学

印度尼西亚参展院校: 印尼日惹艺术学院

中国台湾地区参展院校: 明道大学




承办单位:西安理工大学艺术与设计学院 、山东工艺美术学院




学术主持: 姚璐


Agatha Bunanta(印度尼西亚)、Ampannee Satoh(泰国)、Ang Song Nian(新加坡)、敖国兴、白晓丹、戴菲、邓岩、董钧、Eiffel Chong(马来西亚)、Erzan Adam(新加坡)、胡晓阳、吉川直哉(日本)、贾方、矫健、Lachlan Gardiner(澳大利亚)、Laleper Aytek(土耳其)、李小舟、林简娇、刘阳、Nadia Oh Sueh Peng(新加坡)、Oh Soon-Hwa(韩国)、Salleh Japar(新加坡)、沈洁、史民峰、Tan Tay Guan(马来西亚)、Ugrid Jomyin(泰国)、王培蓓、王帅、杨赫、姚璐、张朴、张省会、中里和人(日本)












1、作品类型、风格、主题不限,但必须是以一个完整的专题形式呈现,须提供主题阐述、摄影师的近期 形象照 及个人简介200字左右,其他可以提供包括个人联系方式、摄影经历、荣衔资历,重要获奖、摄影感悟等。

2、个人作品集(每组15-30张,文件格式:JPG,图片宽度 大于3840像素 ,或者文件 大于5M ,不得有水印)须有每幅作品的标题或图片内容说明。

3、将以上两组文件打包压缩成RAR或ZIP格式发送网站编辑部,万能邮箱: cnphotos@163.com 。

4、入选作品,将在签约摄影师作品赏析名家经典等栏目刊登, 其作品也将登记入库,作图片销售代理,优秀作品将推荐人民网、人民摄影报、澎湃新闻等媒体刊发,同时, 将有资格参与中国摄影网十佳摄影师评选 ,入编《中国摄影网》杂志期刊,颁发签约摄影师证书、入展证书。



