


The handful of mentions of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the final 36-page summary for policy-makers–which is compiled by scientists alongside government representatives from any UN member that wants to take part—were only inserted after hours of desperate wrangling. Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries were most insistent that CDR and carbon capture and storage (CCS) should be included and emphasized. But many scientists, campaigners and green experts are unhappy with the references, as they fear that giving the impression there are viable options for removing carbon dioxide might engender a false sense of security.

思考题:It can be inferred from the text that ___.A.oil-producing countries have leading CDR technologiesB.government representatives are excluded from IPCCC.carbon capture and storage are already highly developedD.Saudi Arabia believe CDR can restore faith on fossil fuels

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第一句:The handful of mentions of carbon dioxide removal (CDR) in the final 36-page summary for policy-makers – which is compiled by scientists alongside government representatives from any UN member that wants to take part—were only inserted after hours of desperate wrangling.参考译文:在这份为政策制定者准备的36页综合报告的终稿——由科学家和任何想要参与的联合国成员国的政府代表一起编制——中,有数处提到了二氧化碳脱除,它们是在长达几小时的绝望争吵之后才被插入进来的。

第二句:Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries were most insistent that CDR and carbon capture and storage (CCS) should be included and emphasized.参考译文:沙特阿拉伯和其他产油国最为坚持,认为报告应包括并强调二氧化碳脱除和碳捕获与封存技术。


But many scientists, campaigners and green experts are unhappy with the references, as they fear that giving the impression there are viable options for removing carbon dioxide might engender a false sense of security.参考译文:但许多科学家、活动家和环保专家对这些引用并不满意,因为他们担心给人造成一种印象,即存在可行的二氧化碳去除方法,这可能会引发一种虚假的安全感。


It can be inferred from the text that ___.


A. oil-producing countries have leading CDR technologies


B. government representatives are excluded from IPCC


C. carbon capture and storage are already highly developed


D. Saudi Arabia believe CDR can restore faith on fossil fuels





B选项,第一句话就说了“alongside government representatives”,政府也是参与的;



handful of 少数

mentions n. 提及

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

removal n. 去除

summary n. 摘要

policy-makers 政策制定者

compiled v. 编译

alongside prep. 并排

representatives n. 代表

UN member 联合国会员国

take part 参与

inserted v. 插入

desperate adj. 不顾一切

wrangling n. 争吵

Saudi Arabia 沙特阿拉伯

oil-producing 石油生产

carbon capture 碳捕获

storage n. 贮存

campaigners n. 活动家

green experts 环保专家

impression n. 印象

viable adj. 可行的

engender v. 产生

false sense 错觉




Carbon Dioxide Removal: the tech that is polarising climate science





In mid-April, Juventus’s 15-point deduction was rescinded, pending a retrial, and the club sprang back up the table to third place. But that judgment only added to the sense that Serie A is a creaking product, with the position of the league’s most famous club dependent on legal, not sporting, results. The Juventus scandals are a window into not just the wider crises in Italian football, but the rot at the heart of the sport.


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