



1,My daughter likes( )violin

A,a B,an C,the D,/

2,The ( )of this activity is to develop students’ interest in reading

A,purpose B,culture C, silence D, language

3,My aunt became a nurse in ( )and she still loves her job now

A, the twenties B, the twentieth C, her twenties D, her twentieth

4,Our teacher advises us not to show ( )the Wechat because it may casue trouble

A, personal anything B, anything personal C, nothing personal D, personal something

5,We are ( )that the Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world

A, friendly B, brave C, nervous D, proud

6,Seeing the new changes in my hometown , Icould ( ) believe my eyes

A, properly B, highly C, nearly D, hardly

7,You can achieve success ( ) hard working

A, into B, through C, above D,across

8,Today Chinsee ( )by more and more people in the world

A, has spoken B, is spoken C, speaks D, was speaking

9,My friend and I went to ( )a talk show at the party to celebrate the 70th birthday of our motherland

A, hand in B, put on C, take out D, pick up

10,There is no doubt that the newly published novel is worth( )

A, read B, to read C, reading D, been read

11,As I can keep this book for another week, I ( )return it tomorrow morning

A, needn’t B, mustn’t C, couldn’t D, can’t

12,I have been twenty years ( )I left my hometown

A, when B,since C, as D, before

13,The Battle of Changjin Lake is ( )wonderful movie ( ) I want to see again

A,such a , that B, so , that C, such an, that D, so a , that

14,We should remember those ( )lost their lives for our country

A, whom B, who C, which D, that

15,I have never read a ( )book

A, more interested B, more interesting C, most interested D, most interesting

16,Your brother ,as well as your parents , ( )all kinds of me

A, are B, is C ,were D, be

17,He ( ) all of audience by pretending to be a famous movie star

A, informed B, cheated C, expected D, discussed

18,( )smart girl Amy is ! She can think of some good ways to finish the project

A, What B, How C, How a D, What a

19,What is it ( ) our students need most ?

A, what B, which C, that D,if

20,If I were you, I ( )choose a work as a teacher in a small town

A,would B, will C, may D, shall

21,It is said that A Dream of Red Mansion( )into dozens of language

A,have been translated B, were translated C, translated D, has been translated

22,It is heavily rainy today, but ( )us is late for school

A, all B, both C, none D, no

23,He ( )can be a driver, for he is very careless

A,always B, seldom C, never D, ever

24,Your dream will come true ( )you work hard

A,Because of B, as soon as C, as long as D, except for

25,David ,keep ( ) in mind that you should obey traffic rules

—OK, Mom, Iwill .

A, one B, it C, this D, that

26,Are there any ( )on the farm ?

A, sheep B, cow C, pig D, goat

27,Last year our geography teacher told us that the moon ( )around the earth

A, moves B, move C, was moving D,moved

28,Would you like to go camping with me tomorrow ?

—- ( ),I have to prepare for my interview.

A, Yes, I would B, Never mind C, I’m afraid not D, I’d love to

29,Cooking helps us show love for family members .

—( ) .Every time I make dishes for mum, she is very happy

A, Take it easy B, I can’t believe it C, I couldn’t agree more D, That depends

30, Our country develpos really fast .

—Yes ,( )it has made great achievements in many areas

A, in the end B, from now on C, at first D, in fact


Li Hua was an artist who believed that it was important to help others。 When he heard of a summer camp for children with serious illnesses , he( 31 )an idea.It cost money for these kids to go to camp, so Li Hua decided ( 32 )what he could do to help . It was ( 33 )for her to donate a lot of money , so he had to think of another way.

He wanted to take advantage of his love of art. So he started ( 34 )and selling beautiful cards to raise money for these kids . Because these cards were all handmade , it would take him a long time to make a lot of them . So Li Hua had ( 35 )idea. He started inviting friends to his house to help him make the cards. At first hie friends were (36 ). Many said that they were not artistic and didn’t know (37 )cards, But once they saw the beautiful materials that he had in his workroom, his friends felt more comfortable doing things such as drawing and cutting ( 38 ) make a new card .

But the materials were expensive .To make money without spending money , Li Hua asked for and got ( 39 )of paper , glue ,scissors ,and other things from nearby stores . He sold his cards for three dollars each in different art markets during the year. Li Hua( 40 )more that $30,000 in his 10 years making cards

( )31, A,came up with B,gave up C, put off D, took off

( )32, A,saw B,seeing C, see D,to see

( )33,A, important B, necessary C,possible D, impossible

( )34,A, make B, made C, making D, to make

( )35,A,other B,another C, the other D, each other

( )36,A, private B, satisfying C, hesitant D, humorous

( )37,A, what to make B, which to make C, why to make D,how to make

( )38,A, in order to B, owing to C, due to D, according to

( )39,A, creations B, hesitations C, foundations D, donations

( )40,A,rose B, raised C, arose D, around


Passage One

The inventions

Paper was first made in the year 105. It was made by a Chinese named Cai Lun. For over 500 years paper was made only in China . People in Japan learned of paper around the year 600. As years went by , people in other places began to make paper.

The lead pencil is not made of lead . It’s made of graphite(石刻).People found graphite in 1564. They thought it was a kind of lead . Today we still call pencil’s “lead pencils”. The first pencils were made by putting strings around sticks of graphite.

The first wooden pencils were made by Kasper Faber in Germany in 1761. Erasers like those we use today were first made in France by a man named Magllan in 1752. It was Hyman L. Lipman who first put eraser on the ends of pencils . And that is how the pencils came to be ‘

41, How many years earlier was paper made in China than in Japan

A, About 100 years B, ,About 400 years C, More than 500years D, About 495 years

42, Germans made paper( )

A, earlier than Japan B, later than Japan C, as early as Japan D, as late as Japan

43,At first pencils were made of ( )

A, wood B, lead C, string and graphite D, sticks

44,Kasper Faber was ( )

A, an Englishman B, a Frenchman C, a German D, an American

45,Which of the following statement is NOT true ?

A, Paper was first made in China B, Graphite isn’t a kind of lead

C,The first wooden pencils were made in Germany

D,Hyman L. Lipman made the first easers

Passage Two

My name is Lin Yue . In March,2022, COVID-19 started suddenly in my city. It was so serious that the whole city was locked down. At the very beginning of the lockdown (行动限制),some old people , especially those living alone ,had difficulty getting vegetables .

One day, in the community WeChat group,an old man said that he was short of vegetables so I had an idea of sitting up a food bank in the community, and my neighbors were also ready to offer help . To keep social distance(社交距离), I sued a large box as the food bank, and put it in the public area.

Neighbors could give away and get some food there. The large box was quickly filled with vegetables ,rice and snacks . One evening, I saw a bag of vegetables with a note saying “These are fresh vegetables . Please take them home if you need .” In the WeChat group, an old lady who got the vegetables said, “I was so moved by the good-will (善意)but I only took three tomatoes ,because I wanted to leave the rest for those people really in need.”

There were many similar stories in my city during the lockdown. Although COVID-19 keeps us apart, we can get through the hard times as long as we pull together.

46.What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

A,All people were short of vegetables

B,The government offered people some food

C, Lin Yue set up a food bank

D, The old was short of food

47, How did author deal with vegetables shortage for the old

A, By establishing a food bank B, By keeping distance

C,By sitting up a WeChat group D, By sending vegetables to the old

48,What food was not put into the food bank?

A, meat B, tomatoes C, rice D, snacks

49,Why did the old lady only take three tomatoes?

A, Because she didn’t like tomatoes

B, Because she could only take three tomatoes

C, Because there were only three tomatoes

D, Because she wanted to leave the rest of others in need

50,What can we learn from the passage ?

A, It is not likely to overcome the shortage of food

B, Neighbors could buy vegetables in the box in the community

C, Neighbors didn’t want to offer help

D, We can get through the hard times as long as we pull together .

Passage Three

I am Canadian . I started learning French when I was 10 years old . But my whole experience with the language was in the classroom. All of that changed ,however, during my last summer of high school. As a 17-year-old girl . I flew across the country by myself for the first time ! I headed for Quebec to live in the province with a French-speaking host family ,who didn’t speak any English. And I would learn French at a local school .

On the first day of school,all of us students were given a test to determine our language level. We were required to speak only French all summer .I made every effort to communicate in a second language by making new friends, seeing movies and even ordering food from restaurants in French. Though I couldn’t undertand most of it at the very beginning ,the whole experience was exciting and refreshing .

On weekend, my classmates and I took trips to different places around the province . One one trip,we went whale watching on the St.Lawrence River. Even though it was raining ,we could see huge whales swimming around our boat. The most memorable part of our trip was a visit to historic Quebec City . I walked along the stone streets ,took pictures sof the European-style(WILJ)buildings,and learned some stories there

Finally my efforts paid of ! At the end of the summer, I was able to communicate pretty well. I couldn’t wait to go back to school and talk with my French teacher. Being fully immersed (沉浸)in a French-speaking environment was a valuable learning experience .And it could be the main reason for my improvement in French .

51,When did the writer fly alone for the first time ?

A,7, B, 10, C, 18, D, During the last summer of high school

52,How did the local school determine the students’ language level?

A, test B, Speak only French all summer

C, Communicate with a second language D,Took trips to different places

53,Did the writer enjoy the experience of communcating in French ?

A, Yes, she did B, No,she didn’t C, Yes, she didn’t D, No,she did

54,What did the writer think of the visit to historic Quebec City?

A, It was the most terrible part of the trip

B,It was the most memorable part of the trip

C, It was the least memorable part of the trip

D, It was the most difficult part of the trip

55,What could be the main rason for the writer’s improvement in French?

A,Being fully immersed in a French-speaking environment

B, Speaking French with the French teacher

C,Learning in class

D, Communicating with the classmates

Passage Four

Most companies expect IT(information Technology)managers to head an IT staff(全体人员)of computer technicians. But IT managers can also specialize in other areas . Some managers also be responsible for keeping their company’s Internet safety. They protect both their company and their online customers from thieves .

Other managers focus more on the business rather than the technical part of computing. They become project managers.helping companies reach as many online customers as possible.

Some companies also look for IT managers who can act as trainers . These trainers help a company’s computer technicians keep up-to-date on computer skills .

Most companies require their IT managers to have both a bachelor’s (学位)degree and experience in the computer field . Often,companies hire IT managers out of their existing staff of computer technicians

Since IT managers are extremely important to companies’success, it’s no surprise that they receive such high salaries-around US $6,000 a year to start with . And , in such a fast-changing field, managers’ salaries usually increase after only a couple of years .

The world will be watching to see just how quickly e-commerce(电子商务)replaces the old ways of doing business. And as computers change the way the world does business. IT managers will be in the middle of it all. Few companies can survive without them.

56, Besides being the leader of computer technicians. IT managers are also expected to be ( )

A,online safety specialist B, sillked IT workers C, training assistants D, salesmen

57, The word “reach” probably means ( )

A, understanding B, get in touch with C, knowing D, arriving at

58,Why do employers pay high salaries to IT managers ?

A, Because they work longest hours

B,Because they are excellent leaders

C, Because they help improve the company’s product

D, Because they are key factors to their success

59,According to the passage , companies often look for IT managers from

A, within the company

B,among the employed staffs their own professionals

C, their own professionals

D, from outside the company

60, This passage is mainly about ( )

A, the high salaries IT managers earn B, the important role IT managers paly in a company

C,the qualification IT managers obtain D, the advantages IT managers should have

Passage Five

A few years ago, it was fashionable to speak of a generation gap , a division between young people and their elders . Parents complained that children did not show them proper respect and obedience , which children complained that their parents did not understand them at all . What had gone wrong ? Why had the generation gap suddenly appreared ? Actually, the generation gap has been around for a long time . Many critics argue that it is built into the fabric of our society.

One important cause of the generation gap is the opportunity that young people have to choose their own life-styles. In more traditional societies , when children grow up , they are expected to live in the same area as their parents , to marry people that their parents know and approve of , and often to continue the family occupation. In our society, young people often travel distances for their education, most out of the family home at early age, marry or live or choose occupations different from thoses of their parents .

In our upwardly mobile society ,parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs ,to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do . Often, however, the ambitions that parents have for their children are another cause of the division between them. Often they discover that they have very little in common with each other.

Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the gap between the generations. In a traditional culture, elderly people are valued for their wisdom, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete overnight.The young and the old seem to live in two very different worlds, separated by different skills and abilities . No doubt, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come . Its cause are rooted in the freedoms and opportunities of our society, and in the rapid pace at which society changes

61,The main idea of the first paragraph is that ( )

A,the generation gap suddenly appeared B, the generation gap is a feature of American gap

C, how people can reduce the generation gap D, many critics argue over the nature of the generation gap .

62,The world “around “in the first paragraph means ( )

A, on all sides B, in existence C, in every direction D, near

63,Which one is NOT the cause of the generation gap?

A, Young people like to choose their own life styles

B,American society is changing very fast

C, Parents place high hopes on their children

D,Modern education makes them think differently

64,In American society, young people often ( )

A,rely on their parents to make a living

B, stay with their parent in order to get an opportunity for higher education

C, have very little in common with their parents

D, seek the best advice from their parents

65, Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A,Parents should be more tolerable towards their children.

B, The young generation should value the older generation for their wisdom

C, The generation gap is partly created by the older generation

C,The generation gap should be avoidable in American society



67, 那个新来的老师很快收到学生的尊敬。

68, 一旦机器发生故障,就把开关关掉。

69, 当他读小学的时候,就表现出杰出的天赋

70, 只有在周末我才会放松

71,Students are not allowed to swim in the river

72,Iwould appreciate it if you could confirm your participating early

73,We never forget the day when Hong Kong returned homeland

74, The laptop you are interested in is no very expensive

75,You can chat with your friends online no matter when and where you are



1,早上9:30 参观校园,句型座谈会,欢迎会

2,下午14:00 茶艺表演,国画展

3, 晚上19:30 晚宴,联欢会





11,A 12,B,13,A,14,B,15,B,





31,A 32,D 33,D 34,C 35,B

36,C 37,D 38,A 39,D 40,B



41,D42,B 43,C 44,C 45,D


46,D47,A 48,A 49,D 50,D


51,D 52,A 53,A 54,B 55,A


56,A 57,B 58,D 59,D60,B


61,B 62,B,63,D,64,C 65,C


66.He was elected as chairman successfully

67,The new teacher is quickly getting the respect from students

68,Please turn it off ,if the machine breaks down

69, When he was a pupil ,he showed his great gift

70,Only at weekend can I get relaxed







Dear Smith,

I am the chairman of students’ union in my school. What I am writing to you is for telling you some details about your visit . I know that your group will come to my school on May,10th from England. Welcome to my school. We have many activities for you all. First , we will show you around my school ,have a welcome party at 9:30. We will have some tea art performances and Chinese Painting Display at 14:00 in the afternoon . At 19:30 in the evening , we will have dinner and have together party. I think you will enjoy your trip in my school. We are looking forward to seeing you .


Zhang Hua


