


show up 出现;如约赶到

security procedure 安检程序

not to mention 更不必说

checked-baggage 托运行李

carry-on bags 随身携带的包

eligible to do sth 有资格做某事

background check 背景调查

go somewhere/anywhere/nowhere 有/无进展

sticker shock 价格冲击

fatal flaw 致命弱点

look into 调查

cut cost 降低成本

reluctant to do 不愿做某事

The Mediterranean sea 地中海

Hurry up 快点


reigning monarch 执政君主

cosmos view 宇宙观

be at issue 是讨论的焦点

sovereign nation 主权国家

go back to 追溯到

inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事

make compromise to 作出妥协

intellectual life 精神生活;思想生活


gross domestic product=GDP国内生产总值

refer to 提到;谈到;指称

be the envy of sb 成为某人羡慕(或嫉妒)的对象

shed some light on 使某人了解某事

economic recovery 经济复苏

major economy 主要经济体

civil society 公民社会

refocus …on…. 将(注意力、精力等)重新集中于…..

identify A with B 将…等同于….

Brexit 英国脱欧(2020年英国退出欧盟)

Terminator 终结者


hold one’s nose at 掩鼻不屑

fine line 细线;微妙的界限

access to 接近(或进入)…的机会

look at(用某种方式)看待,考虑

official act 公务行为

elected leader 民选领袖

social compact 社会契约

representative government 代议制zf

government transparency zf透明度

act on …. 根据…而行动

play favorites 偏爱,偏袒

well-enforced law 实施得力的法律

inherent worth 固有价值

double standard 双重标准

exempt from 免除

Rolex watch 劳力士手表

Ferrari automobile 法拉利汽车

Part B

striking character 引人注目的的角色

from then on 从那时起

pen name 笔名

monthly installment 每月连载;按月付款

pay office 出纳室

social status 社会地位

shoe-polish 鞋油

teach oneself sth自学

then-famous 当时出名的

press on 继续进行(连续工作)

be caught doing sth 被抓住正在做某事

commit suicide zs

bring tears to one’s eye 使人落泪

paternal grandparents (父亲一方的)祖父母

plunge into 跳入;投入

celebrated man of letters 著名作家

Dickens 狄更斯

Oliver twist 雾都孤儿


leading position 主导地位

self-contentedness 自满

competitive advantage 竞争优势

primary-school 小学

be left to oneself 放任自流;听其自便

In this as in much else,those who wish to influence the future must prepare for it.



