



■Good afternoon, dear doctors and professors, my name is ( 填上自己的名字 ). I'm so excited to be here and I hope my presentation will impress you.

■I come from (填上你的城市),(你城市的省份) province, which is a (这里缺一个形容词 形容一下你的城市) city very close to Shanghai.

■I had my bachelor degree in (填写本科专业),如果后面有工作经历的话: and followed by a(工作年限,这里填上工作了几年) year working in(单位全称) as a (填一下你当时的工作头衔). After (几年工作) years of clinical training(这里可以换成你的专业内容), I became a Master student in (硕士时候的单位、学校) in the group of Professor(硕士导师名字) and my research direction was (研究方向).

■The longer I study (硕士学习的领域,比如法律、医学), the greater I fall in love with this field. After 2 years of academic study and clinical training, I have the skills of paper writing, the ability of experiment design and I can also handle many clinical emergencies by myself. I am so honoured to win the (你的奖学金,证明一下自己)scholarship as a proof of my clinical competence last week.

■So far, I have finished writing of 7 papers, 3 of which have been published, 2 have been accepted, and 2 submitted(突出自己的学术成果,根据自己真实情况改写). I will finish my Master's degree in July, and I determined that I have to walk further on this way until I get a PhD degree and as real Doctor(改成你的职业).

■It will be a great pleasure if I can have a chance to be able to become one of Professor (博导的姓,如Zhang's)disciples and continue to stay in (这里填你要申请的地方)for my further training and working.


